Friday, July 30, 2010

Papaw's bud

Tonight we went over to Eric's parents house to visit and to let Lucas spend the night (they just LOVE to have him over! and I know he enjoys it too!). While we were there Eric's dad and uncle were digging up the driveway to make way for the new porch that they will start building soon. Lucas was SO interested in all the noise created by the jackhammer and bobcat. He had so much fun watching his Papaw and Uncle Jim at work. We let him go work w/ Papaw. I'm not sure if Lucas or my FIL had more fun!
Hard at work

I love this one w/ Lucas looking up at Bo

Eric and I feel so blessed that he has 2 sets of grandparents that love him so much and love to spend time w/ him. Not to mention all his Aunts and cousins!!

A few pics from 2010

Christmas 2009
3 months old

bright and early!
Opening gifts. He loves this Elmo!
5 more minutes mom!
Family photo
Nap time for Santa!
My parents 3 youngest grandkids
Ethan is 6 mo older than Lucas and Ana is 3 months younger.
He was just so tired!
1st formula bottle. 4 mo old
not yet crawling but wanting to
6 mo sure makes a BIG difference at their age.
Here Lucas was 4 mo and Ethan was 10 mo.
1st snow- March 2010
Cousin Ana's Baptism
6 mo old
Lucas meeting Eric's grandfather in KY for the first time
HAHA!!! This picture cracks me up every time!
such a happy boy!
Sitting up on his own (when you place him there) @ 5 months!
I *love* this smile!!!

Easter 2010
While we were getting ready he took a quick nap
Family photo!
mmmm Easter eggs!
7 months old
8 mo old. I love these pics. I took them too!
9 mo
At the beach

I love my daddy!
July 4 weekend- still 9 mo old

Back in Action

ok so, I have a history of NOT keeping up w/ blogs once I start here goes another try. Part of the reason is that I either dont have the time, forget to update or just feel like my life isnt interesting enough for people to want to read ab our daily lives. But maybe I need to stop writing for others and just write for me.....we'll see how that goes! :)

The last blog I posted here was almost a year ago...can you believe it?! I cant believe so much time has passed! It's hard to believe the last post I was still waiting to have my baby and now My. Lucas is already 10 months old. It's unreal! I cant believe how fast time has flown by!!! I know everyone says it...but it's SO true! that's why I try to relish each and every day and moment!

Once I figure out how to put pics in a post I will put some recent pics up of Lucas.